Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 20 - Workout

Tuesday, January 20, 2009: 45 minute muscle conditioning class - total body workout, 30 minutes cardio on elliptical.

It was a good workout day, but I went a little over board with my calorie intake. I ate well, though: Fiber One bar, steel cut oats, banana, raw veggies, 2 salads, Heathy Choice meal for lunch, protein shake after my workout.......and a GIANT dinner. I made a DELICIOUS dinner last night that was actually a pretty healthy meal....but I ate 2 servings instead of just one. So that's that. But it was amazingly delicious! I will def be making it again! :)

Here are my totals for the day:

Calories: 1932, NET after working out: 1438
Fat: 54 g
Cholesterol: 227 mg
Sodium: 2985 mg
Carbs: 249 g
Fiber: 59 g
Protein: 117 g

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