Friday, March 5, 2010

February Totals

February was not too shabby, especially in comparison to January, which got off to a slow start due to my detox and all. The only disappointment is that I still haven't gotten back into swimming and biking yet, which I REALLY need to do if I plan on doing any triathlons this spring (and I DO). I've been really focused on training for the OKC Half Marathon though - in fact, I've REALLY stayed on track with my schedule this year - I've been out there in the freezing cold, snow, sleet, name it! And I'm quite proud of myself, to be perfectly honest. I'm still pretty new to running and this is the first year I've ever braved the cold. Purchased my first pair of running tights and fleece lined gloves just this season - and oh have I been putting them to use! And I've found that I actually LIKE running in the cold. I think I'm going to be dreading the heat this summer when I'm deep into training for Chicago.

Anyway, now I'm just rambling and getting waaaay off track...which I often tend to do. ;) So, without further delay, here are my February and Year-To-Date totals:

February Totals:
Running: 10 days, 46.15 miles
P90X: 6 days
Weights/Toning: 4 days
Misc Cardio (cardio that is not running, swimming, or biking, such as walking, elliptical, Just Dance, or any of the P90X cardio workouts): 9 days
Total Days of Cardio: 15 (some days had a combo or running and another form of cardio)
Total Days of Working Out: 18

Year-To-Date Totals:
Running: 15 days, 60.95 miles
P90X: 9 days
Yoga: 1 day (I really need to get back into yoga.....)
Weights/Strength Training: 8 days
Misc Cardio: 11 days
Total Days of Cardio: 22
Total Days of Work Outs: 27

Looking forward to what March will bring! Happy training, everyone! :)


teacherwoman said...

February looked great! I am sure March will look even better! :) Happy Friday, girl!

Indi said...

Excellent Job!!! You'll do great in OKC..while I sputter at the back :) Hehe!! March will be awesome, especially if we have of some of the nice weather that is predicted!!

Anonymous said...

I still haven't done any swimming yet and barely any biking either! I think it is early enough still to be okay...and since I am healing from injury I think I will be spending a lot of time in the pool!

Mel-2nd Chances said...

Awesome job with everything! I much prefer fall/winter running to summer running too!!! :)

Jess said...

Awesome job Ashley! I'm rootin' for you!