Check it out - I returned from my amazing trip to Mexico to find a gift from my girl Beka the Running Dork - notice a new masthead, anyone?? Niiiiiiiiiice, eh?? Me gusto mucho!!!!! :)
Love the new look!!! Hope you had a great trip and looking forward to seeing you at GG2009:)
I'm just a girl....and no, I haven't had it up to here. But I am just girl, livin life and lovin every minute of it. If it's not fun or funny, I'm pretty much not interested. I have two beautiful girls and I cherish every minute of my time with them. I turn 30 this year and in the midst of all the craziness, I thought - hey, why not do a triathlon this year? So aside from being a wife, a mother, a quality assurance customer experience specialist, and LOL around GOOF, I'm also training to be a triathlete. I prefer to go through life with a smile on my face at all times - either cuz I'm cracking up, I'm having the time of my life, or I'm just up to no good at all! And THAT, my friends, is me in a nutshell.
Love the new look!!! Hope you had a great trip and looking forward to seeing you at GG2009:)
That is just cool!!!!
Holy Amazing.. The Dork has some MAJOR talent. FYI Giveaway on the Blog today and it is PINK :)
Very nice!
ohh I love it and what a great thing for her to do
LOVE the new masthead! I WANT ONE! LOL
That is a cool layout...
I love it! You look amazing in all the pics! I hope you had a great vacay! xoxo
sweet header!! lookin' good :)
Very cool!
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