First off - have I always wanted to go to Chicago? I believe the answer to that one is a big fat YES! Here I live in the midwest but have never been to Chicago - what gives?? I've been dying to get to Chi Town JUST to eat some Chi Pizza for 3 days straight! Secondly, have I ever given much thought to running a full marathon? Of course. I read all these blogs by runners and feel their victories as I read about them crossing the finish line and I feel that rush of adrenaline just thinking that one day that could be me. Yeah, I just started running last year. But I ran a half marathon last year and I'm running another half this year. So what better time for a full than just a few months after a half, right? I can just keep the momentum going and cross another item off my bucket list.
Maybe I rushed into this decision? Perhaps I got wrapped up in the excitement of doing another race with some of my fave girls on this earth. And maybe, just maybe, the words "free place to stay" on top of all the other temptations was enough to push me over the edge....but whatever it was, it IS official - yesterday I registered for the 2010 Chicago Marathon!!!! WISH ME LUCK!!!!!
HOW EXCITING! Your first half is so memorable and Chicago will be great! My first marathon had NO crowd support and I regret that you will have the ultimate crowd support in Chicago so it will help pull you along to the end no matter what!
Is this going to be just like OKC? EVERYONE else gets to go but me? You're all just trying to make me jealous, dammit!
One word...AWESOME!!!! Wish I could be there with you guys, so Mark in answer to your question...the Running Sri Lankan has to sit this one out. But I will be there in spirit and text mode for sure:)
IIEIEAHHAAHAHAH!!!!!!!! OMG. my excitement cannot be contained. literally. i'm pretty sure ed had quite a bit of eye rolling over my reaction. sooooo excited i get to do your first marathon with you. it's going to be amazing..chocolate covered rainbows with beer and joy and chocolate and cookies... oh dear. i think i just peed a little!
FREE PLACE TO STAY. that's like the least exciting part of this whole shenanigans (but i'm totally excited!). think: deep dish, finish lines, free beer, shiny medals, downtown fun, el rides, and three blondes running their hearts out. I CAN'T WAIT, and i don't even know you!!!! aaahhaha!
sweet!!! bring on chi-town!
RACHEL - I'm EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and um, thanks for letting me crash at your place for FREE!!!! :) I'm slightly hyper/excited about this, but if you're used to Beka, this shouldn't even phase you!! ;) WE'RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEIIIII!!!!!
halfs become just an easy off week during full training. i've got some friends from this weekend that want me to run chicago with them. can't do it though. it is supposed to be a great marathon. good luck, and that was a smart choice!
Yeah!!! I love when I am registered, it makes it so much more real!!!
Yay! I know you'll do awesome! And, if I could commit to signing up right now, I would, but you know....plus I heard it's already full???? Guess I'll definitely have to wait until another year.
So exciting Ashley! You're going to do great! And Chicago would be amazing! Say hi to Oprah for me! Hahaha! xoxoxox
Best of luck, Ashley. You will have such fun. Art
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