Saturday, February 27, 2010

31 Things About Me On My 31st Birthday

So, I totally stole this idea from This Guy - he posted 30 random things about himself for his 30th birthday and I thought that was pretty cool. Sooooo, here are 31 random things about me in honor of my 31st bday!

1 - My middle name is Corinne (after a cage dancer, no less) and I spent a good portion of my childhood trying to get my friends to call me Corinne or Cori instead of Ashley. I always hated my first name. Nicknames like ash-tray, crasher, trashley, and smashley are a little rough growing up. But I have since embraced the nicknames of Ash-Hole and Smash. ;)

2 - I have been bungee jumping (at the age of 13!), parasailing, and skydiving. I hope to one day go hang-glidinging. I also want to ride in a hot air balloon, but my husband has NO desire to take me.

3 - I've never had stitches (other than post-childbirth), and up until 2 years ago, I had never broken a bone either. Then I slammed my finger in our basement door (and I mean SLAMMED) and shattered the tip of my left middle finger. The x-ray showed that bone just completely pulverized - it was in at least 8 pieces. I severed most of the nerves too and have very little feeling in that finger now.

4 - Despite not ever having any "serious" injuries, I still managed to land myself in the ER 3 times in 2007 (after having NEVER been to the ER in my life prior to that year). The first time was for a severe kidney infection, the second time was because I had a seizure, and the third time was due to the previously mentioned finger smashing. And ironically, I had the SAME doctor in the ER all three times. By the third time, I'm sure he was rolling his eyes and thinking "what NOW??" LOL

5 - I once savagely killed a lightening bug with my bare hands.

6 - I LOVE avacados and think they go with just about EVERYTHING - sandwiches, burgers, salads, burritos, etc. YUM!!!!

7 - I also love ranch dressing and think it goes with just about anything too, esp pizza!

8 - I love - LOVE - Chelsea Handler. It's probably an unhealthy obsession...but yeah, I've been following her since she was on Girls Behaving Badly, then The Chelsea Handler Show, and now Chelsea Lately. I've read (and own) both her books, with the third one on pre-order. I even had a onsie made for Harper that says "I Love Chelsea Handler" and submitted it to Chelsea's "Big Fat Baby Contest." Oh, and did I mention that Chelsea's bday is just 2 days before mine??!!

9 - My dad is a musician and was actually a full time professional musician up until I was a year old. One of his bands even put out an album. He still plays now for fun, doing shows on the weekends and he's friends with MANY talented musicians. I grew up around music, going to festivals, and even got to meet a few "famous" people. My dad's former band opened for Rick Trevino and Eddie Rabbit, and my dad has also played with Reba McIntyre's sister.

10 - I love lamp.

11 - I have had the same best friend for nearly 24 years. We've decided we are taking a trip next year to celebrate our 25th Friendiversary.

12 - I did NOT get up at 7am on my bday to post this....and I totally *heart* the "post options" on here so I can set up a posting ahead of time. ;)

13 - I LOVE sushi. And cheese. Not together, tho.

14 - 2 friends and I managed to convince my entire home town that I married a guy in New Orleans as a drunken Mardi Gras mishap. The rumor spread like wild fire and was even brought up by the head of the Sociology Department in one of my soc classes 2 years later. To this very day, there are SEVERAL people that still believe this story!

15 - I draw really great stick figures.

16 - Each of my kids has a "special number" tied to the day they were born. Rylie's number is 7 - she was born at 4:47am weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Harper's number is 8 as she was born on August 18, 2008 (08/18/08). What's even cooler about Harper's birthday is that my great-grandmother was born on July 17, 1907 (07/17/07) - exactly 1 century, 1 year, 1 month, and 1 day before her great-great-granddaughter.

17 - I could probably manage to eat my weight in chocolate on any given day. And I'm determined to test this theory one day.

18 - There are times when I think that my husband and I are such polar opposites (you might even say BI-POLAR opposites, lol), that I honestly wonder how the hell we ended up together. But yet, despite our extreme differences...we just FIT.

19 - 2 of my all time favorite albums are "Doggystyle" by Snoop Dogg and "Eazy Duz It" by Eazy E. Some may find it hard to believe that an all American blonde (former) cheerleader would be into gangsta rap....but you should have seen me back in the day doing drive by shootings with my supersoaker water guns while blaring some Boyz In Da Hood. Srsly, I couldn't make this up if I wanted to!

20 - I sometimes communicate with my house plants via interpretive dance.

21 - I have lived in 3 states - Kansas, Arizona, Missouri. The next time I move will hopefully be to Mexico. This is something Randy and I hope to do in the next few years. We'll see if it really happens...

22 - Chipotle is my fave post-race (or post-long training day) meal. Oh yes, don't mess with me and my burrito bowl, b!tches!

23 - Beer must also be included post-race (or long training). Or wine. Or BOTH!

24 - There was a time in my life where I could drink an entire case of beer in one night without getting alcohol poisoning. Wow...was that really ME??

25 - I own my own company dedicated to raising and breeding Chia Pets.

26 - My favorite kinds of candy are anything with chocolate, Jelly Bellies, Tootsie Rolls, and Twizzlers. Oh, and I will accept any and all of these as birthday gifts, fyi.

27 - I totally have the hots for Dr. Drew. That is one buff silver fox that just turns me on with his intelligence & sexiness. Rawr.

28 - One of my favorite quotes in the world is something my dad once told me: "Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey." These are truly words to live by.

29 - 7 of my "random things" involved food/drinks/candy...and I find this to be a shockingly LOW number for me.

30 - My future goals involve traveling the world to spread my teachings, and eventually, I would like to fight myself to the death.

31 - I clearly have found it difficult to come up with 31 things about myself and went ahead and threw a few randoms in there for ya. ;)

Hope you enjoyed learning some randsom schtuff about me on my bday! And hopefully I'll have a really awesome weekend to report on come Monday! :)


Anonymous said...

Seriously cracking up with "I love lamp". LOL!!!!

I might steal this idea from you.

JBM said...

Whoa you could seriously copy and paste these to my page and they would relate . Happy 10 th anniversary of your 21st bday! Mine is in a month as well! Have an awesome weekend. Oh and you can paraglide and hot air balloon from my back yard so anytime you want to visit!

Questionably Texan said...

Happy Birthday (although I think I'm a day late). Love the list!

Anonymous said...

I love that snoop dog to Dre's Chronic2001 it is my fav. And ranch dressing rules. Oh and I am a total numbers person too...I was born 7lbs7oz on 7/9 @ 7:11 pm!

o2bhiking said...

Happy 31st! May you have many more to come!

The Gibsons said...

YAYAYAAAAAA, happy 31st! can't wait to hear about your weekend celebration! (and WAY TO GO on a birthday 10 mile, wowza!)

and just when i didn't think i could heart you any more, you mention pizza and ranch. you. are. amazing.

Dancing Sweet Pea said...

Oh Ashley! I love you! Haha! Number 20 made me laugh out loud so hard -- I'm at work too! I must see this interpretive dance! :)

RunToTheFinish said...

I love lamp! HAH!!! Happy wonderful birthday

Carolina John said...

i put avacado on my hot dogs. and i love chelsea handler too.