Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Workout Updates and January Monthly Totals

First off, I haven't done "monthly totals" in forever....probably September. Geez, I suck. I also never did my yearly totals for last year either, which I still need to do for my own benefit. Sigh... And here it is, already February, and I haven't even done a 2009 recap either. I'm so behind. But for now, here are my most recent workouts, followed by my totals for January (totals kind suck considering I was detoxing half the month and therefore not working out....)

Thursday, January 21, 2010: 40 minute walk w/dogs

Friday, January 22, 2010: P90X Legs & Back

Monday, January 25, 2010: 2.6 mile run on treadmill (had to stop early due to pain in the left leg)

Saturday, January 30, 2010: 45 min on elliptical, abs, biceps, triceps, shoulders, inner & outer thighs

Sunday, January 31, 2010: 5k race (race report coming soon!)

Monday, February 1, 2010: abs, biceps, triceps

January Monthly Totals:
Running: 5 days, 14.8 miles
P90X: 3 days
Yoga: 1 day
Weights/Strength Training: 4 days
Misc Cardio: 2 days
Total Days of Cardio: 7
Total Days of Work Outs: 9

Be on the lookout for my race report from Sunday involving The Running Dork, The Running Lawyer, The Running Sri Lankan and The Running "Chicken".


Mel-2nd Chances said...

you don't suck!!! Great job on your workouts!! None of us can change the past... so here's to looking forward to the rest of 2010! :)

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

You hardly suck woman! Can't wait to hear about your recent 5k. Hope all is well. :)

Maureen Lisa said...

hope your 5K went well!!

teacherwoman said...

Looks like you've been busy! Nice!

Indi said...

Nothing wrong with taking a little break to rest up for a super 2010!

Dancing Sweet Pea said...

You're so awesome Ashley! You did great with your workouts! Love you chicky! xoxo

Coachdad said...

OK. You have to tell me... is the PX90 worth trying? Have all the dvds, yet have not started it.

Lindsay said...

i felt wayy behind doing my '09 recap like 10 days into 2010. you should still definitely do it - mostly for yourself but also so we can be inspired :)