Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Most Productive Monday EVER!

Not only was yesterday a productive day at work AND home, but I also kicked a little ass with my workouts as well. :) I did P90X over my lunch break - Core Synergistics. Then I did an 11.2 mile bike ride, followed by a 2 mile "run" in the evening. Now, I have "run" in quotations cuz it wasn't a full-on run. I met up with a girlfriend of mine that signed up to do Race for the Cure this weekend and has never even run a mile in her entire life. I've been on her over the past several weeks to get out and run a little bit, so I told her I would meet up with her and walk with her when she needed to walk. She actually did a really great job. She ran the first half mile without stopping and at a pretty decent pace. Not to mention it was over 90 degrees out, so I think she was a total trooper!

What's interesting is that after an 11.2 mile bike ride in 90+ heat, I took off for my run and glanced down at my Garmin to notice that I was running WAAAAAY faster than I typically run. It immediately made me think of Mel's post yesterday. Why is it that after a bike ride, our runs begin at a much faster pace than if we were just running alone without the bike ride?? You would think it would be the other way around. The only answer I can come up with is that my average pace on my bike was 14.7 mph (yeah, I really need to work on speeding that up), so running 5 - 6 mph feels extremely SLOW compared to that, thus the body's need to feel like speeding up...?? Does that even make sense? I just found it to be strange. I had to force myself to slow down. I have a swim/bike/run coming up on Saturday, so it will be interesting to see what my pace is like then.

Tonight I'll be going to Happy Hour with my old boss (whom I ADORE), so no tri training tonight. Just a little P90X action at lunch again. Happy Tuesday! :)

Monday, August 3, 2009: P90X Core Synergistics, 11.2 mile bike, 2 mile run


Being Robinson said...

maybe it's that your legs are spinning crazy fast, used to going fast on the bike, get off the bike and still wanna go fast?! hmmm...

Carolina John said...

yea your leg muscles are already warm from the bike. they are ready to go fast. normally, they take the first mile of any run to get loose. i love running off of the bike.

Mel-2nd Chances said...

lol... glad it's not just me! :D have fun tonight.

X-Country2 said...

I agree it's the momentium. Like getting off a treadmill when you find yourself speed walking over to the drinking fountain in the gym.

RunToTheFinish said...

ok I really need to try this PX90 it sounds like an awesome workout from what everyone keeps saying.

you really have to meet up with us on a Monday night run now that you are back at it! next week on Tuesday is a great thing they put together at Power and Light called the martini mile!