Tuesday, April 7, 2009


That's my bib number for St Louis! Woot!!!!

On another note...I didn't run yesterday. I was just so tired yesterday and not feeling quite fully recovered from Friday's 10 miles. I still did yoga, but that's it. In my defense, I had an eye appt and after getting my eyes dilated, I was pretty much blind for the rest of the night. So that's that.

On today's agenda: muscle conditioning and either a cycle/run combo at the gym tonight or else some lap swimming at the pool....depends on my mood tonight. ;)

Monday, April 6, 2009: yoga

1 comment:

IzzyBubbles said...

Great job on the 10 miles, and good for you knowing when to take a rest!!! I think it's better to wait until you're fully recovered for your next run rather than tough it out when you're not...less chance of injury that way. I'm speaking from experience. :)