Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm Running a Half Marathon in 2 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, can I say that it just hit me! I mean, it was barely a month ago (March 12th to be exact) that I ran 4 miles for the first time in my life! And in 2 days I'll be running 13.1 - wtf?!?! That's just insane!!

Today I'm feeling a mixture of emotions. We are leaving for St Louis at 6am tomorrow, so I have a lot going through my mind. I'm feeling a lot of anxiety (packing, getting up in time, getting enough sleep tonight, hoping I don't have nervous-stomach issues, there's rain/thunderstorms predicted for sunday - I've never ran in the rain, what if it gets cancelled/rescheduled, I'm having pain again...which i'm hoping will work itself out by then, I couldn't even run 2 miles yesterday, what if I have to "drop my kids off at the pool" during the race, what if we don't get there early enough, what if we don't get our packets on time or we can't find the place to get them, I'm leaving my kids AND I'm going to be 4 hours away from them - will I have separation anxiety, will they, what if they get sick or hurt, what if the guys go out Saturday night and come in late and wake us up and we can't get back to sleep, what if they are too hungover to drive us to the starting line...). Yeah, can you tell I worry too much??

In the end, I feel excited more than anything. I just hope my body cooperates. My last 2 long runs were AWESOME, so hopefully we can recreate that. I'm really hoping that addrenaline takes over and I just kick some ass. ;)


Unknown said...

You are going to do awesome! Enjoy the journey and have fun!

Being Robinson said...

I'm repeating what I've been told over and over the past two weeks. Trust your training.

1) As for the nervous poo's. YOu will have them, without a doubt. But it sounds like a big race which should = lots o' porta potties. I have had to stop during a race before (last years OKC marathon relay actually) to drop some kids off, and you know what? No harm done. Porta potties all along the race course, they WILL have them. It will be okay!

2) Just make sure to get to race start in plenty of time, your nervousness will turn into running energy.

3) Running in the rain is fun, just wear layers so if it is rainy/cold you will be fine, if not you can peel and toss!

4) Most important, take care of the calf the next two days.

5) You will do great, you are WAY more prepared for your first half than I ever was. You will make it through and feel fabulous afterward!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Good luck!! I am so excited for you. I will be going through the same worries that you have next month. Adrenalin baby!!!

Can't wait for the race report and photos..

Dancing Sweet Pea said...

Ashley you are going to be amazing! You already are, but you're going to kick butt!
I am a worrier too, so I know how you feel, but try to focus on your run. Speaking of which, just think of it as another run -- not so much a half marathon -- maybe that will help to ease nervousness!


Aron said...

you are going to do amaaaaaaaaaazing!!!!! have a great time and soak it all up girlie :) good luck!!!

kilax said...

Turn those nerves into ENERGY! Everything is going to go awesome!

Oh, but this did make me think of one thing. Sometimes I get pretty pepped up (nerves) before a race, and it can lead to starting off too fast. Make sure you stick to your pace. Sorry to preach! Just wanted to share that tip ;)